Build a stash of freezer smoothies so that you can enjoy quick snacks and breakfasts without having to clean the blender every day!
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Do you love the sweet taste of smoothies?
Do you love how smoothies lend themselves to life on-the-go?
— and how you can hide vegetables in them without the kids freaking out?
Smoothies are, indeed, one of a mom’s secret weapons.
In fact, I’ve had more than one mom friend tell me she often feeds her family smoothies and popcorn for dinner on Sunday nights. Smoothies can be easy, filling, and nutritious, depending on how you mix them up.
A smoothie, however, requires using the blender. And using the blender requires washing the blender. And sometimes? Well, sometimes you just don’t want to wash the blender.
Am I right?
What if I told you that you could enjoy a daily smoothie without washing out the blender every day?
No, this is not some weird fermentation trend.
It’s taking the versatility of your freezer and using it to your advantage. Stockpiling your family’s favorite smoothies in the freezer allows you to take a break from crazy mornings and still enjoy quick on-the-go meals.
Smoothie making can be really simple. Just blend different combinations of fruits, juices, and ice. To make dairy-based smoothies, try adding some plain yogurt and milk. I even used homemade fruit jam to flavor the latest batches of smoothies.
If you have frozen milk on hand or frozen almond milk, this is a great way to use it up.
You’ll find that different kids like different flavors and ingredients. Some prefer just juice and berries. Others enjoy all kinds of combinations, including spinach and kale.
Test out some of your favorites fruits and see what combinations you like best. And then keep your freezer stocked for all sorts of cool snacking and quick breakfasts.
You can even store your smoothies in bowls and add toppings prior to serving for fun smoothie bowls.
How to Make Freezer Smoothies
While blending a smoothie really doesn’t take that long, sometimes you want a quick, cold snack to hand to the kids before you send them outside to play. Freezer Smoothies are just the ticket!
If you’ve got favorite smoothie recipes already, then this process should be quick and easy.
1. Blend up a big batch of your favorite smoothie or follow the recipe below.
2. Divide it into freezer-safe, serving-size containers, cups or bowls.
3. Freeze immediately.
To serve: simply allow the smoothie to thaw on the counter for 15 to 20 minutes. Stir and serve. If serving as a smoothie bowl, add desired toppings.
Tips for Making Freezer Smoothies
Use a good quality blender.
Bargain blenders just aren’t reliable for smoothie making. Too many chunks and too much frustration in the preparation process.
I’ve had a Ninja blender for four years and it continues to work well. The party cups are particularly convenient when making single-serve smoothies. Read my review here.
Let the kids help.
Kids are more likely to enjoy foods that they helped make. Include them in the process, either with a DIY Smoothie Bar or simply consulting them on their preferences.
Make sure your containers are freezer-safe.
As cute as glass canning jars are, they are sometimes finicky when placed in the freezer. For quick, fool-proof assembly of freezer smoothies.
Ball freezer jars are 8- and 16-ounce plastic cups with snap-on lids. They are specially designed for freezing, yet are also dishwasher and microwave safe. Plus they’ve got cute green lids.
Use frozen fruit whenever possible.
Reduce the risk of freezer burn by freezing your smoothies quickly. You can do this by using frozen fruit. It’s not absolutely necessary, but it helps.
When you’re making smoothies to serve right away, it aids in keeping a slushy texture without having to add ice.
A great way to save money on frozen fruit is to freeze in-season produce when you find it on sale. Here’s an easy method for freezing berries and cherries and here are tips for freezing bananas.
Setting up a permanent smoothie station in your freezer is also a great way to facilitate smoothie making.
Blend spinach and kale with liquid first.
If you’re going to add spinach or kale to your smoothies, blend them first with some liquid to get a really smooth texture, then add the other ingredients.
Offer some toppings at serving.
Smoothie bowls have seem a surge in popularity over the years. Making Freezer Smoothie Bowls is a great way to enjoy this fun treat without a lot of work. Whether you store your freezer smoothies in bowls or cups, offer some fun toppings to make your freezer smoothies a little more substantial.
Favorite Freezer Smoothie Flavor Combinations
There’s really no end to the flavor combinations you can dream up in your freezer smoothies. Play around with different flavors and see what your family likes best.
When my kids and I were developing the recipes for this book, we devoted a whole chapter to smoothies. Here are some favorite flavor combinations we discovered:
- strawberry, pineapple, coconut milk
- banana, pineapple juice, orange juice, dry milk powder
- banana, cherries, pomegranate juice
- blueberries, bananas, coconut milk
- peaches, yogurt, milk, vanilla extract
- banana, yogurt, coconut milk, honey, cinnamon, and cardamom
- pumpkin puree, milk, vanilla extract, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger
- strawberries, blueberries, yogurt, and orange juice
- spinach, blueberries, coconut milk
- banana, cocoa powder, coconut milk
- banana, cocoa powder, nut or seed butter, milk
After you’ve tried out this recipe for freezer smoothies, I’d love for you to come back and leave a starred review. Your feedback helps me develop recipes and share tips that are most helpful to you! Thanks in advance.

Freezer Smoothies
- 1 cup milk or juice or other liquid or more to taste
- 2 to 3 cup fruit , chopped if large, preferably frozen
- ½ cup plain Greek yogurt
Optional mix-ins, choose 1 or 2, to taste
- 1 tablespoon nut butter or sunflower seed butter
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- 1 tablespoon flax seed meal
- 1 tablespoon honey or agave nectar or other sweetener
- dash ground cinnamon , nutmeg or cocoa powder
- vanilla protein powder according to package directions
Optional toppings, to add at serving
- optional toppings for smoothies , such as granola, chopped nuts, berries, or sliced fruit
- Combine all ingredients in the bowl of a blender. Blend on high until smooth, adding more liquid if necessary. Taste and adjust ingredients to suit your preferences.
- Divide smoothie mixture into serving-size, freezer-safe containers.
- Freeze immediately. Store in the freezer, for up to a month.
- To serve: set at room temperature for 15 to 20 minutes, or until soft. Stir and serve. Add optional toppings if you prefer.
Level up your meal planning and prep.
Have you considered creating a kitchen survival kit to help you WIN in the kitchen? I’d love for you to join me for the upcoming Mom’s Kitchen Survival Workshop.
You’ll create a plan to help you get dinner on the table every night, fill your freezer with wholesome snacks and breakfasts, finesse your lunch-packing skills, and even make sure you get a daily dose of MOM food.
Learn more here.
Brianna Jonkers
What is the shelf life of theses preñase frozen smoothies? Is there a way to extend the shelf life?
Jessica Fisher
In a regular freezer, about six to eight weeks. In a deep freeze at zero degrees that isn’t opened very often, they will last months.
Love this idea! My kids and I love making and drinking smoothies but I never thought to try to freeze them. Will definitely be trying this to make mornings go smoother (no pun intended, ha!) once school starts in a couple of weeks.
Jessica Fisher
Yes, readers have reported thawing overnight in the fridge for a quicker start in the morning.
I like the idea of freezing for later! My one concern is the high sugar content when no protein is added to reduce the sugar/insulin spike. I know the fiber in fruit helps some, but I would prefer an added protein source.
Sorry , my mistake I missed the protein powder ingredient in the recipe.
We actually do smoothies with dinner almost every night foe the kids. My youngest has never been a big dinner eater and this assured he fot some greens and protein into him to reduce the number if times he would wake up starving.
We use Costco Greek Yogurt (it is very high in protein), a little frozen fruit, milk, a lot if spinach, and a banana. Even when we use blackberries there smoothies are green. If we have left overs (we rarely do) I freeze them into popsicle molds for afternoon snacks. Nice and cold for hot summer afternoons and again they are getting a good dose of protein, some fruit, and a ton of spinach.
Jessica Fisher
Great strategies, especially for the little guy!
When frozen the lids are prone to cracking.
I have 6 containers left with only one purple lid.
The lids are not replaceable. I consider them a waste of money.
This post has inspired me. First, I never knew about the freezer jars. The same day this was posted I had to go and buy some. Second, the idea of freezer smoothies is absolutely brilliant. I’ve made some for the kids in the 8 oz. and some 16oz. for me. I grab one in the morning and by mid-morning it’s fantastic.
Someone mentioned adding veggies. I do this also, just when the kids aren’t watching! I buy the baby spinach, wash, and flash freeze it. Throw a handful or two in the blender and it hides perfectly with some blueberries. The kids drink them up and have no clue. I love it!
The freezing containers remind me of the ones I use when freezing my breastmilk! LOL
i made some strawberry popsicles…just mashed them up and froze them without adding anything. The smoothies would be good to freeze in the molds too…hmmmm!
I seen in comments one person put veggies in smoothies. Does anyone else do it? What veggies and do the kids notice. My 3 oldest are great about eating veggies, but my youngest wants no parts of them. I’m thinking he would love smoothies and I can sneak some veggies in.
Christina Burrell
Thanks for Hosting! I love making Pies during the summer using all the yummy local fresh berries, peaches, cherries, etc…
My mom started this and now i have been copying the idea. She freezes banana slice’s for smoothies or a cool treat on a hot day. Just slice the bananas, freeze in a single layer on a cookie sheet, once frozen stick them in a freezer bag. My little one loves them as a snack but it also makes it easier for smoothies because we know we always have bananas in the house and they never go bad.